Week 27 brought us activities for the letter Ss and also allowed for our field trip to the library for the Wednesday morning and afternoon classes. The Tuesday morning class will attend this week for their trip to the house where there are so many books with tons of learning experiences waiting for all ages. The children loved seeing many things at the library that they had no idea would be there. Several of the things we saw are in the pictures below.
This week we did silly string art and ate hot, soup which was perfect on a cold winter day. We met Silly Snake and Sponge Bob and learned other Ss words like: shapes, stop, shamrock and spider. We sang and played the shape song to help reinforce the skills of naming the shapes and to listen so to follow directions to what the song was asking of us.
Kim Harmon from Jeff Harmon Dentistry presented a demonstration concerning dental care. She concluded with a fun story and a care bag for each child to take home and call their own.
I feel it was a fun and successful weak.
This week we did silly string art and ate hot, soup which was perfect on a cold winter day. We met Silly Snake and Sponge Bob and learned other Ss words like: shapes, stop, shamrock and spider. We sang and played the shape song to help reinforce the skills of naming the shapes and to listen so to follow directions to what the song was asking of us.
Kim Harmon from Jeff Harmon Dentistry presented a demonstration concerning dental care. She concluded with a fun story and a care bag for each child to take home and call their own.
I feel it was a fun and successful weak.
Class 1
Chase is carefully placing his string on the glue
What design is Cohen drawing with the glue?
One of the four basic shapes for Grants string art\triangles
A rabbit is coming in view for Charles
Scented gloves\everyone gets to guess what they smell like\some said, grape
The Bernstein Bears Go to The Dentist
Lisa is showing us where and how to check out our own books. Cool!
Also how to get our own card and how to use it.
We saw the drop off box from the inside
There they are! The Dr. Seuss books!
We saw a monkey up high reading a book.
The boys were thrilled to see all the Super Hero books
We know this man!
Monkey, monkey on the shelf, help us find our favorite books!
Even Franklin was there!!!!!!
Librarian, Lisa, read us a fun story about a dog, Olivia, and her yellow ball
Class 2
Friends at play
What will Abe's shape be?
A beautiful butterfly for Sophia
I heard Keno tell Brenda he wanted to make a barn. He is on his way!
Kim Harmon's demonstration.
She is showing us a model of a mouth with healthy teeth
And, the proper way to brush
We are doing the shape song- game with our paper shapes
Happy birthday sweet Maleah!
Kristy was our Librarian for the afternoon
The children were fascinated by all the movies at the library waiting to be checked out
A little puppy dog was there too!
Throughout our tour, we saw Lego models made by local students.
This looked like a good book about a bear in the fall season.
Could that be our friend, Tacky?
We saw a mouse reading a book about a cat
Such good listeners!
Yes, even a bust of young Abe Lincoln
Class 3
What an awesome art display!
This was a wonderful way to learn how to use the squeeze glue bottles
We learned why mask are worn by the dentist and his helpers
All ears and eyes were an Mrs. Harmon
Happy Birthday sweet Molly! We loved your cute cookies and your butterfly bags of goodies!
Nicolas made up his own drum set with the maracas and tambourine
You should hear what we hear!
Friends working on the letter page
Anna S. did an awesome job pointing left to right as she pointed to each # while counting the days of the month on the calendar.
SpongeBob just had to pay us a visit for letter Ss week!
We finally go to play candy heart bingo
Now, onto the month of March and hopefully some spring weather!