Friday, November 22, 2013

Nov 23

This week started with making the letter Kk look as silly as possible. We think our family of silly K's can't be beat! See for yourself below and let us know what you think. With contemplating a big Thanksgiving feast next week, we colored turkeys to hang in the room and to place in the mailbox so to hand out to friends at circle time. I love having a mailbox for our room because it helps the children remember to write their names on their papers and to practice writing the letters of their names. Not only that but it shows love and concern for friends. Everyone loves getting mail!
I love the pictures of friends in action during free play time. You can see a few of them below. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do. 
Well, Buddy had some great weekends again with Calvin and Adam! We are almost at the end of Buddy's weekend adventures for this semester. He is, by all means, the smartest and most loved bear ever! Thank you to all the wonderful parents and families for making this such a memorable experience for our young students at PromiseLand.

Calvin class one\ Mon. am\ Buddy had a blast!

Abe \class 2 working to make his letter look silly

Turkey, turkey, we love you! Class 3=Tu\Thur. am

Ms Emma\class 3

You see anything silly?

Adam and Buddy\Class 3 \Buddy is gonna miss you Adam!

Anna's silly K \ Class 3

A silly family of K's\class 3

Miss Trinity working to make Silly K  very silly.Class 4

Ms. Molly is making adding color to make him fancy\ class 4

Class 1friends are wishing they could drive. Beep, beep!

Nice job Xander finishing your letter page\ Class 1

Two very pretty friends. Cali and Maleah from class 1 Mon\Wed am

Nice Keno! And, Ms. Molly working hard.

I love how these friends are taking their school work serious
Kendall and Emeri class 3

Two good friends completing their school work together Mr.Joe and Mr.Sutton

Library time! Class 3

Class 4 hard working friends\ Trinity, Molly and Kayla

Fun Friday!

As you will see, Fun Friday was all about Thanksgiving and oh what fun we had!

The main chief from the Shiloh Tribe, Connor, and the caption of the Mayflower, Caption Sutton.

The Pilgrims are waiting for their new friends, the Indians, to arrive for a Thanksgiving feast.

My girlfriends are coloring a beautiful Indian Squall 

The boys are coloring a handsome Pilgrim

Boys are cooking up a feast!

These toys never get old!

Brenda's mission must be to save the turkeys. Seems the target kept moving on her. 

See our yummy filled cornucopias?

Practice, practice for the mission to be completed in class on Mon. and Tuesday 

Everyone singing and playing instruments to the Powwow song

Eli is so proud of the wonderful job he did cutting and gluing together his table setting

We are taking this Thanksgiving project serious

P.M. Class

My friend are setting up a beautiful Thanksgiving table in hope those Indian friends show up

Preston put together the paper turkey puzzle

Rylon's Handsome Pilgrim

The Indians arrived!

Chief Rylon

Hay, see those boots?

Ms. Molly's Indian boots! 

Look who rode into school! Cowboy Joe!

My friend made her own Indian village with triangle shapes

Love her hard work. It's a master piece!

The boys said the green path was for the horses to follow

Chief Rylon is playing the Indian drum

Many friends said they will be helping Mom or Grandma at the table this Thanksgiving

I am so proud of the finished project. Just a few strips of tape were needed to save the table's legs

Friday, November 15, 2013

Nov 15

Another week at school, Hooray! So much we did. So much we learned!
Letter Jj was jolly and no wonder with JoJo the clown leading his name with our letter. Ask your child what another word is for jolly and how to spell our favorite clown's name and chances are they will know the answers. We made silly turkey puppets to use for our funny turkey poem. You will see these hanging on our boards in the hall to complete the fall decorations to our room. The children all did a wonderful job on completing the activities to bring it all together. We had bible story time in the chapel with Pastor Larry
Wednesday morning's class learned and enjoyed so much from Addison Young's mother, Dawn, about her job in the x-ray department at Memorial Hospital.  She taught us a lot about the bones in our body and what to do to keep them healthy. We saw pictures of healthy bones and not so healthy bone. Thank you Dawn for the time you spent at school to help us get to know one of our town's community helpers!

Anna R. and Buddy Bear. Oh what fun he had!!!!

Welcome Dawn Young!

We learned so much!

Our new friend, Pastor Larry! We love you!

Happy Birthday Xander! 

Cali and Mr. Buddy Bear had a super weekend together.

Gobble, gobble!

Look who's 5!!!!!! Happy Birthday Emeri, Blayken and Eastyn!

~~~~Fun Friday~~~
This day was a lot about directions, left-right, north-south.

Friends Calvin, Silas, and Eli playing Bongo \ am class

Ms. Erika is reading the story for the day, "Where's the Turkey?" 

Students are moving their Cuties (a juicy, healthy snack) to the friend on the left and then to the right to enhance the skill

We can peel them ourselves! am class

Sticker fun for driving down the road (south) to reach home
am class

am class

Look who put the ABC puzzle together \ pm class

Placing items left or right on the felt board

Listen and read, turning the page\ so much learning going on!

The clown poster for placing left- right hand and feet then head on the brown oval turns into a------

somersault!!!!!!!  pm class

Good job Sophia!

Nice Keno!