Thursday, March 7, 2013

Week #28

Letter Tt brought many interesting topics starting with TeeTee the Turtle as a good way to practice our cutting and gluing skills.  We completed our fun trips to the Library and we sent them a thank you card for making the experience a special one to do with friends. We read a story called, "I Love Trains" and one about the little Letter t. We learned that so many things start with this weeks letter and that they were easy to find in our library of books. Our songs were a blast as we formed a train and sang, "All Aboard the ChooChoo Train". We also had to do a favorite of most friends called the Tooty Ta song. It is a hit with most adults too.
 Show and Tell is going well with lots to tell about.
Pastor Bob sang some praise songs and silly ones too with us at Chapel time.
For snack we counted the Teddy Bear Cookies that were hiding in our animal cookies and then made them disappear one by one.
We practiced using our gross motors skills by walking the beam and jumping on the mini trampoline.
Now, something tells me that the letter Uu is not going to be as easy as Tt for topics to discuss. But then again, never underestimate a teacher!


Xander is leaning into his work ready to begin

Grant is being careful to follow the black line

Abby is enjoying coloring her turtle

Trooper Gabe is on duty!

The candy box is often shared with

Trooper Gabe is helping Preston dress for the job

My friends like to boogie 

Happy Dancers

Xander showed us his toy airplane for Show n' Tell

Cohen showed us his finished turtle for show n tell.

Gabriel is counting his teddy bear cookies

So is Grant

Class 2

Molly made pretty Tt's

Lots of pretty letter T's

Girls being girls!

Sophia is cutting out the shell for her turtle

Kaleb is gluing the legs for his turtle

The girls are showing off their turtles

Awesome turtle, Sohpie!

Silly friends doing the TootyTa song

Look at these friends read!

Molly's special blanket was her Show n Tell

Time to jump on the new little trampoline 

Joe's turn!

The balance bean is a fun way to enhance our gross motor skills

Okay folks! You got any. I need some similar. Need plastic containers without the lids. They have to 
hold 9 plastic Easter eggs. I will take lids though for recycling.

Letter page time!

Learning about the great love of Jesus

Sophie and her show and tell friend, the robot!

Also her awesome rock collection! Crystals too!

Maleah's show and tell was her Mosaic butterfly she made with her mother and brother, It was so beautiful and it reminded us of spring!

Class 3

Friends at free play time before we leave for the Library

boys are playing with the reptiles

Abby is showing us her little animal friends for show and tell

 Lego displays were all over the Library.

At the library they have a Lego club

Children six and older made the models for displaying

As you see, the children came to stay awhile! See our huge stack of coats!

Pop in and keep up with what is happening at our cool Library!

Librarian, Christina is showing how anyone can go to the Library and make copies for matters needed

Here comes our copies to color the Leprechaun!

We are learning how to use our library card and to check out a book with the librarian behind the desk

Some of the librarians used their art skills to label the different sections to make book finding easier

We are waiting for a book to drop from outside. Anyone can drop off books by not even
entering the building thanks to the Drop off box 

Christine is showing how we can check out our own books by using the self check out center

Movies and more movies to rent and games for your players

Theater stories for the movie buffs!

Mystery stories

So fitting for the month of March!

Friends checking out the movies

These bears had a sleep over at the Library\Looks as if they are leaving the movie theater

Some animal friends we saw reading at the library

Lego displays were everywhere!



Children's magazines were also an interest

Looking up, what did we see!?

Story time with Librarian, Christina

Curious George Visites the Library was our movie

We all enjoyed Molly's yummy cookies decorated like ice cream cones while at the Library

Doing the Itsy Bitsy spider with Pastor Bob

Emeri is into her work

Doing good Connor!

Arden is adding TeeTee's head to the turtle shell

Careful cutting makes TeeTee's shell

These friends love to dance every chance they can!

We've seen this one before

Anna is working hard

So is Adam!

Good going Silas!

Dancing friends

Rock and Roll!!!!!!!!!

Pastor Bob time!

All aboard the ChooChoo Train!

Anna R. brought her sweet doll for show and tell! She could walk and talk.

Anna S. brought her precious baby doll to show and tell. She knows a new baby is arriving at her house soon!
She also brought her Leap Frog

Sutton got the orange Quiet As A Mouse award today!
He is all smiles and we are proud of him!

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