Thursday, November 29, 2012

Week #15

We ended the fall season with making paper Indian corn and writing a story
about the silly turkeys we had in the hall. Now that these were sent home, you can
enjoy them too. I was impressed with how well the children did writing their stories
about their turkeys.  You will see their stories in the pictures below.
You will also see the visitor that joined the classroom for the Holiday season. We are all excited to have him around and look forward to see where he is hiding out each day of school.
Class 1


Meet the Elf on the shelf, Chippy!
Class 2


This is "Snowflake"
Class 3

Anna S.making a list for Santa to put into our mailbox



Meet "Holle Jo"

Blueberries and apples are yummy and healthy. Adam made them disappear

Adam found the letter Ii in a book for his stamp

Eager letter finders

Anna S. and all her friends found one too!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Week #14

Time to celebrate Thanksgiving!

A turkey is a funny bird
His head goes wobble,wobble, wobble
And he knows just one word
Gobble, gobble, gobble

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!

Class 1

Preston is adding his feathers to his turkey

Gabriel's juicy turkey

Wonder where the train is taking those turkeys?

Corn chips and cheese/Yum!

Kennedy likes her snack.
Princess Kennedy is completing her letter page

Friends working hard

Juicy turkey where are you?

One turkey hunted down

We are mighty hunters!

Preston and friends loved our time playing with the Lincoln Logs.
Class 2

Molly knows that turkeys have two eyes like us.

Kayla made her brother's turkey too/Get better Kaleb

Mya personalized her silly bird, the turkey

Feather on top/the rest all around
Doing good Sophie!

Hope they are not going to the market. Just to pretty for that!
Sophia loves to color

One happy tribe

Two turkeys=one good hunting day
Class 3

Blayken is doing a good job / Oh, did you know the belly is their shoes
that we traced and cut out?

Now that's a big turkey!

Adam is proud of his turkey/And should be!

Howl! / From the Shiloh Tribe

Where is that juicy turkey hiding?

A good days hunt!

Indians in action during the PowWow
Picture 1
Picture 2